Monday, June 23, 2014

Outdoor Church Services

My thoughts:
Yesterday, True North held their regular service outside their regular walls. Well, just plain "outside". We took a couple hours to clean up Homecoming Park in Wauseon and set up camp under their pavilion. With a sound system and worship team set up, tables wiped off, and lawn chairs under the birds' nest, we "had church" on a beautiful Sunday morning.

My planning leading up to that Sunday morning was less arduous and more wishful thinking, that people would show, rain would hold off, and our service would go as planned. I didn't fret about the weather. I didn't even fast and pray. Well, maybe a little prayer here and there, but nothing eloquent or elaborate. Looking back at yesterday's service, I had such a heart of appreciation for all that went on. It did not rain, and figured that if I had made a special effort to pray or share that request, that I would have "worked hard" for it not to rain. As if I could have staved it off with my prayers. While I DO believe and know that God answers prayers, I also know we look into the face of pride when things go our way. The dry weather (except for the egg-tossing game following the service) had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with God.

We had a worship team member (who was leading one of the high songs) call in sick that morning. And a new bass player playing their for his first week. And the elements are out of our control. So why am I looking back so favorably at yesterday's service? Quite simply, because God showed up. And people showed up (about 140?). And while acoustics under a tin roof aren't normally ideal, the voices of the people reverberated all around.

With all of this worship going around, I was wondering what other people thought about an outdoor worship service. Today, technology seems to run our lives: coupons on apps, Facebook/Twitter updates on our phones, calendars telling us when we are late, television our evening entertainment... And yet, very rarely have I heard that someone's Samsung Galaxy has prompted a worship service. Or driving a car has led to someone speaking in tongues (other than swearing).

Contrarily, I have often heard that viewing a mountain or a river has brought God to the forefront of one's mind. I know full well that seeing animals in their element is a display of God's creative handiwork. True North Church does not have four walls to call "home" as we meet in a Middle School building each week. But this week was special in that we got to hold a service in the outdoors. We had minor setbacks with sound, but overall, as I look back at the hour we spent "having church", my heart is drawn to worship God as I know He was glorified.

My conclusion:
Outdoor services do a lot for one's heart of worship. Usually, we are out of control, which begs God to show up to do His thing. And our response to Him showing up is: worship. Not worshiping the shining sun, not praising the technology that allowed us to hear the band, and not giving adoration to the tin roof over our heads, but lifting our heads and voices with hearts of praise to God who created all things.

Looking ahead:
This Sunday, June 29, I will be preaching at True North in Wauseon (in the regular, boring indoors at the Middle School... that God so graciously has provided!). I also will be debuting my original song, "Don't Let My Love Grow Cold (Ceaseless Praise)". I'm pretty sure you want to be there this week!

Today's Scripture: excerpts from Psalm 148
"Praise the Lord... his angels, his heavenly hosts; sun and moon, shining stars, waters above the skies. Praise the Lord, you great sea creatures, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds... Praise the Lord."

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